Code of Conduct

EthicsPoint Reporting

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are valued and treated with respect and dignity. Everyone has the right to work safely in a professional atmosphere that prohibits discriminatory practices and harassment. NTI expects that the conduct of all who work at NTI and of those who attend NTI-sponsored events will be wholly respectful, professional, and free of bias, prejudice, and harassment.


NTI expressly prohibits any form of unlawful harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity or expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, veteran status, or an individual’s status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking, or based on any other characteristic or trait protected by local, state, or federal law.

Further, all NTI staff, as well as participants in NTI events and other activities, are expected to treat others with professionalism and respect and to refrain from any disrespectful or harassing conduct. Colleagues or guests who find a person’s conduct to be unwelcome or harassing should understand that NTI has established the expectation that the offensive behavior should cease immediately.

Creating and maintaining a safe and welcoming environment is a shared responsibility held by all. Harassment, discriminatory behavior, and other violations of this policy reduce the value of participation for everyone, not just those on the receiving end of unwelcome conduct. NTI employees and participants who believe they are witnessing or experiencing harassing behavior are encouraged to speak up and ask the offender to stop the unwelcome behavior and to do so by referencing this policy.

NTI encourages anyone who experiences or witnesses conduct contrary to this policy to report what they have experienced or seen to NTI, as described below in the “Reporting and Enforcement” section.

What is Harassment?

Unwelcome conduct that is verbally, visually, or physically offensive, abusive, or threatening is harassment. Harassment is always unprofessional. It does not require intent to be offensive and may include actions that are intended to be jokes, “kidding,” or “teasing.”

Some examples of harassing behavior include but are not limited to:

  • Slurs or offensive or derogatory comments
  • Verbal or physical conduct that is insulting, degrading, or threatening
  • Unwelcome sexual advances or repeated unwelcome flirtations, including sexually suggestive, explicit, or flirtatious letters, gifts, notes, e-mails, texts, or voicemail
  • Unwelcome questions or comments about another person’s sexual activities, dating, personal or intimate relationships, or appearance
  • Conduct or remarks that demean or show hostility to a person, based on any protected categories, including gender, age, race, religion, or sexual orientation, including jokes, pranks, teasing, or obscenities
  • Displays or circulation of pictures, videos, objects, or written materials that are suggestive or explicit or that demean or show hostility to a person.

Conduct that strays outside of the expected norm of professional, respectful behavior risks being perceived as offensive and harassing. Harassment will not be tolerated at NTI.

Professional Conduct Is Required in All NTI Spaces

This policy applies to all NTI directors, officers, employees, interns, and contractors, as well as any event attendee, including speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and vendors.

This policy applies to all NTI work activities, whether in the office, online, while traveling, or while communicating, whether by email, videoconferences, teleconferences, chats, or online comment threads. Further, it applies to all NTI-sponsored meetings, social gatherings, and events, whether in-person or virtual and whether held at NTI offices or off-site.

Reporting and Enforcement

If you experience or witness a violation of NTI’s Code of Conduct, you are encouraged to report it. NTI employees can follow the internal reporting procedure found in the Employee Handbook by contacting the Director of Human Resources or the Senior Vice President. Reports from NTI event attendees can be made via a third-party platform called EthicsPoint. The NTI EthicsPoint portal is available at  This reporting option allows for anonymous reporting, if preferred. NTI employees also can use the EthicsPoint system for reports.

Every complaint will be investigated. NTI will assess and determine appropriate actions based upon available evidence. NTI may discipline an employee found to have violated the Code of Conduct. A participant at an NTI-sponsored event may be expelled from an event or activity, and/or excluded from future NTI events and activities. NTI reserves the right to report behavior to an employer or to appropriate authorities.


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