
Bold Action Needed on Euro-Atlantic Security, Write Browne, Ivanov & Nunn

In a new op-ed for Project Syndicate released just days before the 51st Munich Security Conference, NTI board members Des Browne, Igor Ivanov and Sam Nunn call for "bold action" to prevent Europe from being split for another generation.

In the 2013 report Building Mutual Security, Browne, Ivanov, Nunn and a broad group of former officials and experts warned that a new Euro-Atlantic military and political strategy was needed to prevent conflict and combat mutual distrust. "Sadly, there are clear signs that this is happening, with Europe now beset by its most serious and deadly crisis in decades," write the trio in Project Syndicate.

"The institutions established to support constructive interaction between Russia and the West are badly broken and appear incapable of addressing today’s core political, economic, and security issues," they write. "Resolving the current crisis and building a new architecture for Euro-Atlantic regional security requires strong political leadership and new thinking."

In their op-ed, Browne, Ivanov and Nunn call for a "new Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group, personally mandated by presidents, prime ministers, and foreign ministers." Through high-level dialogue, the Leadership Group would develop specific recommendations to resolve the Ukraine crisis and create a new framework for Euro-Atlantic security that integrates "political, economic, and security issues."

"Its direct ties to US President Barack Obama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and European leaders would distinguish it from existing arrangements," they write.

Read their specific proposals for a new Euro-Atlantic Leadership Group in the Project Syndicate op-ed.

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