Nunn-Lugar at 20: Assessing America’s Progress on Risk Reduction and Terrorism Prevention

National Journal Senior Correspondent James Kitfield examines the successes, challenges and unfinished work of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) and former Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA)

  • Newseum, Washington, DC

Twenty years ago, two United States Senators – a Republican and a Democrat – came together in an effort to reduce global threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and materials.

National Journal Senior Correspondent James Kitfield will examine the successes, challenges and unfinished work of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program.

In conversation with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) and former Senator Sam Nunn (D-GA), Kitfield discusses the Nunn-Lugar program and its impact on global security over the last two decades.

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Richard G. Lugar

Former U.S. Senator


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