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254 Results


The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Weapons


The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Weapons

Costs incurred by the US developing and maintaining nuclear weapons, including dismantlement, storage & disposal of radioactive wastes. (CNS)

Will Saudi Arabia Acquire Nuclear Weapons?


Will Saudi Arabia Acquire Nuclear Weapons?

Saudi Arabia's prospects in developing a nuclear weapons capability in response to nuclear developments in Iran and/or a shift in US-Saudi relations. (CNS)

A Pause in the Indo-US Nuclear Agreement


A Pause in the Indo-US Nuclear Agreement

Hurdles confronting the implementation of the Indo-US civil nuclear cooperation agreement, both in New Delhi and within the Nuclear Suppliers Group. (CNS)

Is Syria a Candidate for Nuclear Proliferation?


Is Syria a Candidate for Nuclear Proliferation?

After the September 2007 Israeli air strike on the alleged reactor at Al-Kibar, should Syria be considered a candidate for nuclear proliferation? (CNS)

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