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134 Results


Options for NATO Nuclear Sharing Arrangements


Options for NATO Nuclear Sharing Arrangements

This is an article in a new NTI report is designed to help develop an approach to reduce nuclear risks in Europe and contribute to NATO's Deterrence and Defense Posture Review.

Is the Additional Protocol ‘Optional’?


Is the Additional Protocol ‘Optional’?

An article by NTI counselor John Carlson on the Additional Protocol. This article originally appeared in the January-March 2011 issue of Trust & Verify, a publication of Verification Research, Training and Information Centre (VERTIC).

Convenient Consensus and Serious Debate about Disarmament


Convenient Consensus and Serious Debate about Disarmament

This paper was written as a part of an effort by the Working Group on an Expanded Nonproliferation System. The group was jointly established by CSIS and the Nuclear Threat Initiative to bring about more complete participation by India in the nonproliferation system, and it included experts in international nuclear affairs and in foreign policy from both India and the United States. The group advocated for Indian membership in export control groups.

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