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99 Results


Securing the Euro-Atlantic Community


Securing the Euro-Atlantic Community

Des Browne, Igor Ivanov and Sam Nunn call for a new Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group in an op-ed released in advance of the 2015 Munich Security Conference.

Open a Nuclear Fuel Bank


Open a Nuclear Fuel Bank

NTI Co-Chairman and CEO Sam Nunn calls for swift action to resolve remaining issues and open an IAEA nuclear fuel bank.

Future of Global Nuclear Security Policy Summit


Future of Global Nuclear Security Policy Summit

A full transcript of an event previewing the March 2014 Nuclear Security Summit. Co-hosted by National Journal and NTI, featuree a keynote by Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall of the White House National Security Council and a panel discussion with NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn; Norway's Ambassador to the United States, Kåre R. Aas; the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Renée Jones-Bos; Congressman Jeff Fortenberry; former Congresswoman Jane Harman; and Harvard's Will Tobey and Matt Bunn.

Ukraine Must Not Become a New Berlin Wall


Ukraine Must Not Become a New Berlin Wall

On Friday, March 14, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meet to discuss the crisis in Ukraine. Five statesmen from Germany, Poland, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States call for the urgent formation of a Contact Group of Foreign Ministers to address the crisis and more broadly, create a new approach to building mutual security in the Euro-Atlantic region.

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