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143 Results


Radiological Materials in Russia


Radiological Materials in Russia

The threat of hundreds of poorly secured radioactive sources in Russia, as well as the regulatory frameworks in place to oversee them. (CNS)

Submarine Dismantlement Assistance


Submarine Dismantlement Assistance

Programs assisting Russia in the dismantlement and security of its decommissioned nuclear submarines and related materials. (CNS)

Laura S. H. Holgate testifies before the House International Relations Committee — Subcommittees on Europe, International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights


Laura S. H. Holgate testifies before the House International Relations Committee — Subcommittees on Europe, International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights

In this testimony, Ms. Holgate discusses U.S. progress toward reducing the threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, where we are heading, and whether we are getting there fast enough.

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty


Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

An overview of the CTBT and key issues influencing the ratification debate in the United States. (CNS)

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