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585 Results


Sam Nunn Discusses Outcome of US-North Korea Summit on Bloomberg TV


Sam Nunn Discusses Outcome of US-North Korea Summit on Bloomberg TV

Sam Nunn, Nuclear Threat Initiative co-chairman and former U.S. Senator from Georgia, comments on President Donald Trump's summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un. He speaks with Bloomberg's David Westin on "Bloomberg Markets: Balance of Power."

Ernest J. Moniz Discusses U.S.-North Korea Summit on Bloomberg TV


Ernest J. Moniz Discusses U.S.-North Korea Summit on Bloomberg TV

Ernest Moniz, chief executive officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative and a former U.S. energy secretary, talks about the summit of President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Moniz also discusses the tensions between Indian and Pakistan with Shery Ahn and Haidi Stroud-Watts.

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