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140 Results


The Nuclear Debate of Summer 2000


The Nuclear Debate of Summer 2000

The political struggle within the Russian military establishment during the summer of 2000, which resulted in a nuclear posture shift. (CNS)

Nuclear Posture Review


Nuclear Posture Review

The 2002 United States Nuclear Posture Review will guide US nuclear force planning over the next decade. (CNS)

Still Missing: A Nuclear Strategy


Still Missing: A Nuclear Strategy

In this Washington Post op-ed, three NTI board members encourage Presidents Bush and Putin to seize the opportunity at their upcoming summit to reduce the global nuclear threat.

Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW)


Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW)

Overview of tactical nuclear weapons and their role in nuclear arsenals in the post-Cold War world. (CNS)

The Nunn-Lugar/Cooperative Threat Reduction Expansion Act


The Nunn-Lugar/Cooperative Threat Reduction Expansion Act

Senator Lugar announces this bill that would authorize the Secretary of Defense to use up to $50 million of unobligated Nunn-Lugar/CTR funds for nonproliferation projects and emergencies outside the states of the former Soviet Union.

Russia’s 2000 Military Doctrine


Russia’s 2000 Military Doctrine

The implications of the Russian Military Doctrine approved by President Vladimir Putin in April 2000. (CNS)


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