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45 Results


“A New Triumph of Sanity”


“A New Triumph of Sanity”

Nunn called for U.S. and Russia to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons and end their nations’ Cold War nuclear force postures and remove hair-trigger status.

Dangerous Gap Between Pace of Work and Urgency of Nuclear Threat; Progress Has Been Made but Current Programs Not Moving as Fast as They Can or Must, New Analysis Finds


Dangerous Gap Between Pace of Work and Urgency of Nuclear Threat; Progress Has Been Made but Current Programs Not Moving as Fast as They Can or Must, New Analysis Finds

While progress has been made in securing vulnerable nuclear material stockpiles, there remains a gap between the pace of progress and the urgency of the threat.

Bush Budget Cuts Impact U.S. Nonproliferation Programs


Bush Budget Cuts Impact U.S. Nonproliferation Programs

Former Senator Nunn relaeased a statement regarding Bush’s Budget Plan, which proposes large funding reductions Department of Energy nonproliferation programs.


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