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3436 Results


Identifying Outbreak Origins: How the Joint Assessment Mechanism Can Improve Pandemic Response

Atomic Pulse

Identifying Outbreak Origins: How the Joint Assessment Mechanism Can Improve Pandemic Response

NTI is working with international partners to develop a new Joint Assessment Mechanism (JAM) within the office of the UN Secretary-General to rapidly identify outbreak origins. Without the ability to quickly determine the origin of an outbreak, researchers are hampered in their ability to rapidly develop vaccines and other medical countermeasures that can slow the pace of the outbreak, ultimately saving countless lives.

Sharon Hoeck

Sharon Hoeck

Sharon Hoeck served as development manager at NTI.

IPNDV Convenes in Budapest for Working Meeting


IPNDV Convenes in Budapest for Working Meeting

The International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) convened its most recent working meeting in Budapest, Hungary from September 4-8, 2023.

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