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933 Results


Technical Experts and International Diplomats Convened to Advance the “Joint Assessment Mechanism”


Technical Experts and International Diplomats Convened to Advance the “Joint Assessment Mechanism”

NTI | bio convened two working groups of international biosecurity experts to discuss policy and institutional considerations, and technical operations for the Joint Assessment Mechanism (JAM) to identify the source of high-consequence biological outbreaks of unknown origin.

Urgent Steps Needed to Safeguard Rapidly Advancing AI-Bioscience Technologies


Urgent Steps Needed to Safeguard Rapidly Advancing AI-Bioscience Technologies

Amid significant advances in artificial intelligence (AI), a new NTI | bio report recommends urgent action and oversight by governments, industry, and the scientific community to reduce risks associated with AI-enabled capabilities to engineer living systems.

Dr. Piers Millett Authors Editorial for Science Magazine


Dr. Piers Millett Authors Editorial for Science Magazine

In an editorial for Science Magazine, IBBIS Executive Director Piers Millett, argues for greater safeguards to protect the dangerous pathogens kept in labs around the world.

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