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Overview of Japan's nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile capabilities and nonproliferation activities

Eric Brewer on the War in Ukraine and Nonproliferation
nuclear symbol with no symbol circle with line through it


Eric Brewer on the War in Ukraine and Nonproliferation

Deputy Vice President for NTI’s Nuclear Materials Security Program Eric Brewer writes that “although Russia’s war [in Ukraine] has created nuclear risks, the risk that it will unleash a wave of nuclear proliferation is lower than many believe.”

The Biden Administration Announces its Approach to U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy

Atomic Pulse

The Biden Administration Announces its Approach to U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy

On October 27, 2022, the Biden Administration released its Nuclear Posture Review, a document long-awaited by U.S. nuclear policy experts and the international community. Though the administration began crafting the NPR early in Biden’s term, the document’s relevance has been magnified by the heightened nuclear risks facing the world.

New Video Breaks Down the Cyber-Nuclear Threat


New Video Breaks Down the Cyber-Nuclear Threat

A new video featuring national security expert Richard A. Clarke explains the cyber-nuclear threat and why we should all be worried about hackers gaining access to our nuclear weapon systems.

The Cyber-Nuclear Threat

Fact Sheet

The Cyber-Nuclear Threat

Nuclear and tech experts know that all digital systems are at risk for cyberattacks—including nuclear weapons systems.

NTI Statement on the Passing of Fujia Yang


NTI Statement on the Passing of Fujia Yang

NTI is saddened to learn of the death of Fujia Yang, a emeritus member of the NTI Board of Directors and an internationally renowned nuclear physicist and educator dedicated to improving relations between China and the United States.

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