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143 Results


The Day After an Attack, What Would We Wish We Had Done? Why Aren’t We Doing It Now?


The Day After an Attack, What Would We Wish We Had Done? Why Aren’t We Doing It Now?

NTI's Co-Chair Sam Nunn told the 9/11 Public Discourse Project that the United States and its partners must be as focused on fighting the nuclear threat in this century as we were in fighting the communist threat in the last century. Why wait till the day after? We must do it now.

NATO’s Black Dawn: Now in rehearsal, the unthinkable


NATO’s Black Dawn: Now in rehearsal, the unthinkable

In an op-ed published in The International Herald Tribune, Sam Nunn and NATO Parliamentary Assembly President and NTI Board of Directors member Pierre Lellouche discuss Europe's vulnerability to nuclear terrorism.

Laura S. H. Holgate testifies before the House International Relations Committee — Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation


Laura S. H. Holgate testifies before the House International Relations Committee — Subcommittee on International Terrorism and Nonproliferation

NTI's Vice President for Russia/New Independent States Programs discusses the threat of nuclear terrorism and suggests ways that the U.S. and the global community can work to prevent it.

The Nuclear Debate of Summer 2000


The Nuclear Debate of Summer 2000

The political struggle within the Russian military establishment during the summer of 2000, which resulted in a nuclear posture shift. (CNS)

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